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작문 01 "오늘밤 여덟시로 예약을 하고 싶습니다." 의 가장 적절한 영어 문장은? I'd like to appoint reservation for eight o'clock tonight. I'd like to keep reservations for eight o'clock tonight. I'd like to make reservatioins for eight o'clock tonight. I've got reservations for eight o'clock tonight.
생활영어 02 A : I can't believe it! It's Kathy! How are you? B : Robert! I haven't seen you for over two years. A : I know. You look wonderful! B : Thanks. ____________ A : I've been fairly busy with my job. By the way, what do you do? Are you married or staying single? What have you been up to? Where have you been? A : How could you let me down again? B : _______________ You had better go and get yourself ..
기본숙어 03 The salesman said, "These figures will help you get a grip on the efficiency of this car." hold out to the end bite the bullet make out improve hold on to ■ 끝까지 견뎌내다. 이를 악물고하다. 이해하다. 개선되다. 고수하다. ■ 그 판매원은 이런 특징들은 당신이 이 자동차의 효능을 파악하는 데 도움을 줄 것이다. 라고 말했다. Some people can get along on only three hours of sleep a night. manage travel study work ■ 지내다. 여행하다. 공부하다. 일하다. ■ 몇몇 사람들은 오직 3시간의 수면으로도 지낼 수 있다...
기본숙어 02 Sooner or later everything ganged up on me. came together on went away from got together against got together for ■ 함께하다. 떠나다. 대항하여 모이다. 위해 모이다. ■ 조만간에 모든 것이 나에게 대항하여 모이다. Spain gave up its control of Guam in 1897. abandoned upgraded strengthened transferred ■ 포기하다. 승격시키다. 강화되다. 양도하다. ■ 스페인은 1897년 괌의 통치를 포기했다. The floor gave way under the heavy weight. obstructed made a noise shook collapsed ■ 방..
순서 01 Every year earthquakes are responsible for a large number of deaths and vast amounts of destruction in various parts of the world. (a) An example of this is the collapse of building as a result of vibration. (b) Other damage results from landslides, major fires which are caused by the quake. (c) Some of this damage is directly caused by the quake itself. a-b-c a-c-b c-a-b b-c-a 매년 세계 여러 지역에서 지진 ..
빈칸 01 If you're on the ground floor, of course, just open the window and climb out. From the next floor you might make it with only a spained ankle, but you must jump out far enough to clear the building. Many people hit window sills and ledges on the way down, and cartwheel to the ground. if you're any higher than the third floor, chances are you won't survive the fall. You would probably be better o..
주제 01 The Grand Canyon, a long, narrow gorge in Arizona, is rich in geological history. It record of past plant and animal life also makes it an exciting and invaluable object of study for biologists. Using samples from the two hundred and seventeen miles of the canyon's walls, scientists analyze the building materials that form the earth's surface and study the natural process which have affected the..
생활영어 01 A : Let's go out to a movie or shopping or something tonight B : I'm afraid I can't. I'm up to my ears in work till next Friday. A : That's what you told me last time. I suggested we go out. B : Sorry. But we can leave right now. you told me the opposite. you should know better it can't be helped. ■ 우리는 지금 떠날 수 있다. 너는 나에게 반대로 얘기했다. 너는 철 좀 들어야해 . 어쩔 수 없다. ■ up to my ears in work 일에 몰두하여. A : Yes,..
가정법 01 "The taxi only took ten minutes to get to the hotel." " you were coming today, I'd have met you at the airport." Have I known I have known I had known Had I known ■ 가정법 과거완료 If+s+had+p.p~, S+조동사과거형+have+p.p. If 생략으로 주어 동사 도치
기본숙어 01 He said that she left the country for good. on purpose temporarily in haste forever ■ 고의적으로 . 일시적으로 . 서둘러서 . 영원히 ■ 그는 그녀가 그 나라를 영원히 떠났다고 말했다. Art Nouveau painters chose themes fraught with symbolism. inspired with coupled with expressed through charged with ■ 불어넣다 . 결부된 . 통해서 표현되는 . 가득찬 ■ 아르누보 화가들은 상징주의로 가득 찬 주제를 선택했다. Relaxation therapy teaches one not to fret about small problems. look for wor..