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■ 숙어 ■/■생활 영어

생활영어 01

A : Let's go out to a movie or shopping or something tonight
B : I'm afraid I can't. I'm up to my ears in work till next Friday.
A : That's what you told me last time. I suggested we go out.
B : Sorry. But                 
  1. we can leave right now.
  2. you told me the opposite.
  3. you should know better
  4. it can't be helped.

■ 우리는 지금 떠날 수 있다. 너는 나에게 반대로 얘기했다. 너는 철 좀 들어야해 . 어쩔 수 없다.

up to my ears in work  일에 몰두하여. 

A : Yes, it's almost like we can't                 the flooding orders.
B : What do you think made it a big success ?
A : I believe it was the market research and the customer survey that worked most, not to mention the publicity events.
B : No wonder it has come out a success !
  1. do away with
  2. come up with
  3. keep up with
  4. get even with

■ 제거하다. 제시하다. 따라가다. 복수하다 


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생활영어 03  (0) 2021.05.11
생활영어 02  (0) 2021.04.01