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기본숙어 66 The banker pulled the wool over his customers' eyes in the situation. fooled his customers spoke convincingly to his customers gave his customers a careful explanation spent much time in telling his customers ■ 자기 고객들을 속였다. 자기 고객들에게 설득력 있게 말했다. 자기 고객들에게 섬세한 설명을 했다. 자기 고객들에게 말하느라 너무 많은 시간을 보냈다. ■ 그 행원은 그 상황에서 자기 고객들을 속였다. I prayed that your father would pull through the financial collapse of his ..
기본숙어 65 The plane was fatally crippled when the rear cargo door was pulled off in flight. jammed opened torn away crumpled up ■ 움직이지 못하게 되다. 열다. 찢어버리다. 구기다. ■ 그 비행기는 비행 중 화물칸 뒷문이 떨어져 나갔을 때 치명적인 손상을 입었다. If our company wants to win this contract, it'll have to pull out all the stops because there is a lot of competition for the contract. take everything into account draw to end talk through its hat do th..
기본숙어 64 Robert S. Duncanson was a Black artist who was prominent in Cincinnati prior to the American Civil War. according to against due to before ■ 따르면. 대항하여. 때문에. 전에 ■ 로버트는 미국 남북전쟁이 발발하기 전 신신나티에서 명성을 날렸던 흑인 음악가였다. My friend told me to pull myself together. to get hold of myself to stop feeling sorry for myself to avoid worrying about myself to be held of myself ■ 기운을 차리다. 혼자서 미안한 감정을 느끼지마라. 내 자신에 대해 걱..